2025 PGA Junior League (13 and Under)

PGA Jr. League brings family and friends together around fun, team golf experiences with expert coaching from PGA and LPGA Professionals.

The program is a healthy activity that gets kids outdoors, and its scramble format builds confidence and encourages sportsmanship among boys and girls of all skill levels.

Begins: Practice Begins Saturday in May

Cost: $399.00

Details: Practice begins in May.  Full schedule will be posted in the spring!

We will play up to 6 matches with approximately half at home and half away (junior must have own transportation). We will compete against local golf courses. The format will be a two-person scramble match play. Each participant will receive a jersey, a sleeve of golf balls, a bag tag and over 6 hours of instruction in addition to playing time.

Registration MUST be done through http://www.pgajlg.com/

Visit PGAJrLeague.com to learn more and click here join our team today or click link below for more information!

2025 Season Passes Now Available…Junior 17 and under weekday pass only $500!